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ICF Building Methods:

Surveying and Excavation:
This being the start of the project, Greener Building loves being involved in this process,
With this process being so crucial, it can be a huge time/money save to have a proper
excavation with all the necessary pins, placed by the surveying report. If required, Proper 
shoring will be in place, Safety First.

The footings are are base and heart and soul of a house, We strive to have the
best and most efficient, for other trades, via sleeving and considerable pre planning .

We follow architects and engineer schedules very closely, but usually end up adding
more than the required amount for rebar. From Key ways to wet set dowels, we know
the base we are building on is 100% 

When it comes to block, we will work with any brand as long as they have been 
approved by the Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC), with proof of
Evaluation Report. 
We do however work directly with Plasti-Fab at PFB corporation.


  • Airlite (Fox Blocks),

  • Amvic

  • Logix Insulated Concrete Forms Ltd.

  • PFB Corporation

  • Plasti-Fab

  • Quad-Lock Building Systems Ltd.


Greener building have used several models and innovations
when in comes to scaffolding, and in many cases we have
tested new designs and been apart of the design process, we have
found a system from P&W construction, which has produced by far
best product, being able to produce square and plumb walls with
ease, while having the  safest working conditions for everyone on site.

We work with several concrete companies through-out Alberta, with all of them coming very highly recommended, catering to ICF construction.

Weeping tile/ Drainage:
This is a huge part of home building, this process will keep your home dry and flood free, We work directly with site plumbers and the home owners to ensure the best possible system is in place, as per site conditions, Weeping tile and /or PVC drainage tied into the sump.


Site specific, we mainly work with Soprema and Resisto as far as Tar, Peel and Stick tar membrane, Followed by Dimple Guard membrane, once again, site specific Waterproofing.

Slab Prep:
Radon mitigation, Insulated Panels for radiant heated, or just simply before slab insulation for a warmer basement, 
and my personal favourite, Floating Garage slabs for added room in the basement.



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